Tight control of the transcription process is essential for the correct spatial and temporal gene expression pattern during development and in homeostasis. Enhancers are at the core of correct transcriptional activation. The original definition of an enhancer is straightforward: a DNA sequence that activates transcription independent of orientation and direction. Dissection of numerous enhancer loci has shown that many enhancer-like elements might not conform to the original definition, suggesting that enhancers and enhancer-like elements might use multiple different mechanisms to contribute to transcriptional activation. Here, we review methodologies to identify enhancers and enhancer-like elements and discuss pitfalls and consequences for our understanding of transcriptional regulation.
J Biol Chem 297(2) 100919
D. Pokorny, L. Truebestein, K. D. Fleming, J. E. Burke, and T. A. Leonard
J Biol Chem 297(2) 100919
D. Pokorny, L. Truebestein, K. D. Fleming, J. E. Burke, and T. A. Leonard